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Real Ear Measurements: What It Is and How It Works

When optimizing your hearing health, we leave no stone unturned. A precise fitting is essential for achieving comfortable and effective hearing aid use. Hearing Associates uses the Real Ear Measurement (REM) system to provide you with superior hearing aid fittings to help you get the most from your devices.

What is Real Ear Measurement?

The REM system is used to gauge the output response of a hearing device when it’s positioned in your ear canal. Testing is completed using a variety of sounds and speech signals to determine the most comfortable and appropriate fitting and programming settings for each of your ears. This method allows our audiologists to ensure you leave our practice with hearing aids adjusted for optimal performance so you can enjoy an easy listening experience.

How Does it Work?

REM assesses hearing aid output with a probe microphone while the device is in your ear. Your audiologist inserts a flexible tube into your ear canal alongside your hearing aid and runs tests using the microphone and REM software.

The results show what the desired output should be according to your hearing evaluation and how the device actually performs while in your ear. The measurements can provide more information to help your audiologist ensure a proper fitting. That’s crucial as your ear canal shape can impact hearing aid output. REM measurements allow for small adjustments that can profoundly enhance your hearing experience.

Why Does it Matter?

Hearing aid technology is constantly improving. That’s why it’s essential for hearing healthcare professionals to use innovative tools to optimize settings and ensure your devices work properly. Every ear canal is shaped differently, everyone’s sound processing is unique, and every lifestyle varies.

REM provides patient-specific measurements so necessary hearing aid adjustments can be made. We perform this evaluation during new hearing aid fittings. We want to offer as many services as necessary to allow you to engage with the world around you.

Benefits of a Real Ear Measurement

Function verification: REM allows your audiologist to verify that your hearing aids are doing their job and delivering sound to your ear at the prescribed levels. That supports a quality listening experience that can ease the cognitive load on your auditory cortex.

Better hearing aid performance: Properly fitted hearing aids will deliver optimized sound quality, making it easier for your brain to “hear” and understand auditory signals.

Enhanced speech understanding: You can better enjoy conversing one-on-one or in a group setting when your hearing aids operate at peak function. Hearing aids can help improve communication and socialization, even in noisy environments.

Comfort: REM reduces the risk of over-amplification, which can create discomfort in noisy environments. This method also takes your ear canal shape into account so your audiologist can adjust your devices and eliminate sound distortion.

Are There Drawbacks to Using Real Ear Measurement?

The advantages outweigh the shortcomings, but there are some factors to consider when using REM. This method may take longer to complete than other hearing aid fitting processes and requires specialized equipment that isn’t universally available.

REM is painless, but it could cause discomfort or irritation when the microphone is inserted into your ear while you’re wearing your hearing aids. However, that sensation is temporary and doesn’t last long.

Real Ear Measurements at Hearing Associates

The freedom of better hearing starts with solutions tailored to your or your loved one’s unique communication needs. You can rely on Hearing Associates to ensure your hearing aid prescription is customized specifically for your ears.

Please contact us if you have questions about REM, want to learn about our services or require hearing help. Call 888-760-2032 with questions or schedule your appointment online to start your journey toward better hearing.