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Should I Use Zinc-Air or Lithium Hearing Aid Batteries?

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You’ve come to the right place if you’re at the crossroads between zinc-air and lithium-ion batteries. This blog will take you on an in-depth look at the pros and cons of hearing aid batteries. After reading it, you should determine which one to use for your hearing aids.

What Are Zinc-Air Hearing Aid Batteries?

Zinc-air batteries are small disposable batteries. Unlike traditional hearing aid batteries, they are tiny, making them a good energy source for small gadgets such as a hearing aid.

True to its name, zinc-air batteries are composed of zinc that interacts with oxygen. Their interaction creates a compound called zinc oxide, which powers the battery.

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Zinc-Air Batteries Pros and Cons

What makes zinc-air batteries great is their size. That’s why they’re prevalent for hearing aids. Furthermore, zinc-air batteries are eco-friendly since they can be disposed of in recycling bins, unlike most batteries on the market. Furthermore, zinc-air batteries come in different sizes, so you’ll have more options for your hearing aids.

However, zinc-air batteries are disposable, not rechargeable. This means that you either have to replace the batteries every now and then or buy a new set of hearing aids.

How much zinc-air batteries last depends on numerous factors, such as their capacity and frequency of use.

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What Are Lithium-Ion Batteries?

Lithium-ion batteries are rechargeable batteries that require a charging dock to charge them overnight. That’s why, unlike zinc-air batteries, a lithium-ion battery does not require frequent battery replacements. Each night, the hearing aids should be placed in the charging base for battery life to replenish.

Lithium-ion Batteries Pros and Cons

Lithium-ion batteries are great for the environment thanks to their rechargeable feature since they don’t need to be disposed of frequently.

While the most significant advantage of lithium-ion batteries is their re-chargeability, there are still some drawbacks to this battery type. For instance, lithium-ion batteries don’t have a lot of options in terms of sizes. So, you have to ensure that you know where to buy a particular battery for your specific hearing aid.

Additionally, this type of battery is more expensive than other types, making them less accessible to people.

The Verdict

So, what is the best hearing aid battery for you?

The answer really depends on your needs as a person. For example, suppose you’re a frequent traveler. In that case, we recommend using zinc-air batteries since it’s more convenient to just replace batteries rather than looking for a charging outlet. However, if you care about garbage output and don’t want the extra effort of replacing batteries, then you should use lithium-ion.

Between these two options, lithium-ion batteries are costlier. However, lithium-ion offers the most value in terms of long-term investment since you don’t have to buy batteries more frequently, which can cost more in the long run.


If you’re still unsure what to use, you can consult with Hearing Associates for more advice. We’ll help you determine the best course of action with our patient-centered services. Reach out to us today!