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Why Should I Get Regular Hearing Checkups?

Hearing loss can be sneaky, so you may not think to get your hearing checked until you experience a noticeable problem. Being proactive about scheduling regular hearing tests helps you protect your ears and cognitive function.

How Often Should I Get a Hearing Test?

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association recommends adults ages 18 to 60 get a hearing screening every three to five years. Annual hearing tests are recommended if you’re 60 and older or have been exposed to hearing loss risk factors such as loud noises, ototoxic drugs and head injuries.

Identify Potential Hearing Problems

Ignoring early signs of hearing loss can result in further auditory damage that could’ve been prevented with early detection. Identifying your type and degree of hearing loss and risk factors allows you to make changes to preserve your hearing. You can stay engaged with your listening environment and improve your quality of life.

Diagnose Hearing Loss Comorbidities

Hearing tests help audiologists uncover the cause of your hearing loss. Common hearing loss comorbidities include diabetes, cardiovascular disease and infections. A hearing test may reveal one of those health issues, allowing you to address your hearing loss by treating the underlying medical conditions.

Prevent Further Hearing Damage

Sounds louder than 85 decibels cause permanent hearing damage, and you may encounter more than you think. Heavy traffic, lawnmowers, restaurant noise and hair dryers all produce sounds above the safe hearing threshold. Bad habits like smoking and eating an unhealthy diet also negatively impact your hearing. Your audiologist will review your lifestyle to determine where you can make changes.

Monitor Changes in Your Hearing

Your hearing changes as you age and getting regular hearing assessments allows your audiologist to track changes. Your first hearing test serves as a baseline that your audiologist will compare against future audiograms to monitor your progress and make treatment recommendations. That’s also important if you wear hearing aids as you may need to readjust settings or invest in new devices.

Improve Communication

It can be difficult to socialize if you have to ask others to speak up or repeat themselves frequently.  You may find yourself completely withdrawing from social settings out of embarrassment or frustration. Getting a hearing evaluation is the first step to addressing those issues. Your audiologist can provide tips to help you improve your social interactions and recommend aural rehabilitation to enhance communication techniques.

Maintain Cognitive Function

Hearing loss has been linked to cognitive decline. Having your hearing checked allows you to be proactive and optimize your auditory health so you can provide your brain with essential stimulation. That reduces the likelihood of developing memory loss, depression and dementia.

Address Balance Issues

The vestibular system in your ears regulates your spatial awareness. That’s why dizziness and imbalance are common with hearing loss. Request a balance test during your assessment to identify the cause of your instability and reduce your risk for falls and injuries.

Audiology Services in Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa

Do you or a loved one suspect you have hearing loss? Take our online test and schedule a comprehensive hearing evaluation at one of our offices. Our expert audiologists will create a personalized care plan to start your journey toward better hearing.